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Making a Difference

In Boston, indy media takes simple steps and tests relationships

In Boston, many of us see indy media as a counter-institution, challenging the corporate press and forcing them to cover things that they normally wouldn’t. IMCs are beginning to force a perspective that is not necessarily corporate filtered. For example, reading the Boston Globe recently, I saw an entire article about puppets used by activists in Peru to challenge the government. I was shocked, but this is what we’re beginning to see. read more

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Blurring the Lines

Activist journalists confront tough questions in an era of doublespeak and spin control

Let’s look at the power of language. For example, let’s take the word mainstream, when talking about media, and replace it with corporate. It’s time to reclaim mainstream for ourselves — for "we the people" and independent media. That’s central to where we’re going. If we start thinking of ourselves in that way, people will start to look at us and the truth we bring as really the mainstream. read more

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Open & Unstoppable

A liberation front has opened in the cultural war

I don’t see myself as just a journalist or activist, but as someone sharing ideas and opening the boundaries that restrict ideas from moving. That brought me to the Web as a developer; I see it as a powerful tool, more powerful than some of the more traditional approaches to sharing ideas.

In the Vancouver IMC, we’re sharing space with a smaller, tighter-knit organization and with the Pacific Center for Alternative Journalism, and opening it to a broader community, including the Vancouver Direct Action Network and forest and housing activists. We’re blurring the line between journalist and activist, and trying to educate, empower, and facilitate communication. That’s inherent in the mandate for our space. We recognize the value in sharing these skills and resources, and trying to redefine what journalism is — who gets to tell stories or what stories are being told. read more

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Just Wait and See

Sustainability requires thinking – and dreaming – about what happens between events

In 1995, I was sitting in board meetings with Earth On-the-Air Independent Media, which had an award-winning environmental radio program distributed across the country. I said, we need a public media center in Seattle, and the reply was, "Yeah, sure." Well, in 1999 we proved them wrong.

The vision behind the IMC is to create a global communications network that will not just be something "on the side," but will actually eclipse the commercial and corporate communication system, which doesn’t represent people or their struggles. It’s truly time for us to reclaim that globally. read more

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Here Comes the Revolution

How the Internet is redefining the way people work together

November 30, 1999, was an historic day, and not only because it marked the largest active civil disobedience in the United States since the 1960s. Indeed, it showed the level of brutality that defenders of capitalism are willing to use to preserve that system. But amidst the tear gas and the brutality and the jailed protesters during the World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle, a revolution was underway — a media paradigm revolution — and it was happening a few blocks from the Convention Center at the Independent Media Center. It was the culmination of an effort that began a few months earlier with a handful of media activists who wanted to break the corporate information blockade. read more

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Organ Snatchers 5/04

Human body parts have become a new cash crop

In a world where the wealthy set the rules of trade, it was only a matter of time until parts of the human body became a hot cash crop. Not only can the rich afford to buy organs from the desperately poor, they also can use “free market” logic to defend the purchases as ethical. From this perspective, it’s a win-win situation in which allegedly equal participants come together. The buyer gets a healthy organ, the seller some needed cash. The roles of the organ brokers and the surgeons are defined as benign, if not downright humane. read more