Book cover of Striking from the Margins (Saqi Books, 2021)

Book Review: ‘Striking from the Margins’ Avoids Trying to ‘Fix’ West Asia—or What Is Known As the ‘Middle East’

The value of "Striking From the Margins" is its subtle refusal to put forth a heavy-handed, neoliberal proposal on how to “reform” West Asia, or what is often referred to as the Middle East. Instead, it offers proper context for readers to take a step back, thoughtfully assess the situation and envision new ways to embark on such a difficult development process, writes Timothy Harun.

Russian troops marching in the 2015 Moscow Victory Day Parade / credit: Vitaly V. Kuzmin

Why It’s Unlikely Russia Will Deploy Troops Into Ukraine

Unless Kiev starts a massive military campaign in the Donbass, or engages in a serious provocation against Russia, the Kremlin is unlikely to start a war against Ukraine. And even if a war breaks out, Russia’s actions are expected to be very calculated, limited and carefully coordinated with its Western partners, as part of moves toward a “stable and more predictable relationship” between Moscow and Washington, writes Nikola Mikovic.

COP26 Hundreds of thousands around the world marched as COP26 raged on, including this march in Glasgow, Scotland, where the conference is taking place / Oliver Kornblihtt

Behind the Scenes at COP26: Developing Countries Fume Over U.S. Pressure to Alter Climate Finance Terms

Some developing countries' delegations are upset after recent closed-door negotiations at COP26, where the United States asked for a revision of references on climate-adaptation finance’s inadequacy, including the request to double adaptation finance. This comes despite Biden having publicly spoken of quadrupling U.S. climate-finance contributions.