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Scott Harris spoke with Rahul Mahajan, author of the book, "Full Spectrum Dominance: U.S. Power in Iraq and Beyond;" Melinda Tuhus spoke with Beth Parker, the San Francisco attorney who won the case on behalf of Planned Parenthood; Scott Harris spoke with Robert Jensen who takes a critical look at how the U.S. media has portrayed Ronald Reagan and explains why he feels it is important for Americans to have an objective understanding of both the accomplishments and failures of his administration.
Scott Harris spoke with Ira Kurzban who has represented the government of Haiti and President Aristide; Melinda Tuhus spoke with Kara Speltz, who talks about what she observed while in Iraq and the stories her team heard in the embattled Sunni Triangle from family members whose men were taken prisoner by U.S. soldiers; Scott Harris spoke with Andrew Rice, a member of the steering committee of the group September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows.

Scott Harris spoke with Erik Gustafson, a veteran of the 1991 Persian Gulf War and president of the Education for Peace in Iraq Center; David Goodman and Marc Stern spoke with Rep. Norton, a law professor and six-term non-voting Democrat representing the District of Columbia; Excerpt of speech by Rev. Jesse Jackson, speaking at Yale University, produced by Melinda Tuhus.

Scott Harris spoke with Rabbi Lerner about how he views the prospects for success of this latest Middle East peace plan; Melinda Tuhus spoke with Joy Gordon, author of "Cool War: Economic Sanctions as Weapons of Mass Destruction;" Scott Harris spoke with Jonathan Schell, columnist and author, who examines the many dangers now facing the world and concludes that war is far from the only answer.

Scott Harris spoke with veteran protest organizer Leslie Cagan, coordinator for the New York City rally and long time activist Angela Davis; he also spoke with Greg Palast, who discusses his recent inquiry into billions of dollars funneled to Iraq by U.S. ally Saudi Arabia to fund Saddam Hussein’s nuclear weapons program during the 1980s; and finally, he spoke with Nancy Chang, senior litigation attorney with the Center for Constitutional Rights.

Scott Harris spoke with Karen Dolan who assesses the Democrats’ dismal showing in the 2002 Congressional election; Scott Harris spoke with Geov Parrish who considers the strengths and weaknesses of the new peace movement; Melinda Tuhus spoke with Daniel Becker about the collaboration between the auto industry and the Bush administration.

Scott Harris spoke with Norman Solomon, who examines the way in which the media has covered the 9/11 warnings that came to president Bush; Larry Birns spoke with Between the Lines’ Denise Manzari about what he says is an auctioning off of U.S.-Cuba policy in exchange for financial political support from the right-wing anti-Castro constituency in Miami; Scott Harris spoke with Matt Bivens who takes a critical look at this latest nuclear weapons reduction treaty and the continuing dangers posed by Russia’s loose nuclear weapons.

U.S. Uses Unprecedented Quantities of Depleted Uranium Weapons in Afghan War Grave health consequences feared for civilians and combatants; African Continent Challenged by AIDS Pandemic, Wars, and Unsupportable Debt; NAFTA’s Chapter 11 Provision Protects Corporate Profits, Undermines Health & Safety Laws Opponents fighting against similar measure for proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas Treaty

Dispute Over Jammu, Kashmir at Heart of Rising Tensions between India and Pakistan Interview by Scott Harris. Economic Crisis, Popular Revolt Brings Down Successive Governments in Argentina Mark Weisbrot examines IMF role in current economic collapse Interview by Scott Harris. History of Yale University’s Involvement in Slave Trade Drives Local Movement for Reparations Interview by Melinda Tuhus.

Christopher Hitchens Discusses Why He Believes Henry Kissinger Should Be Tried for War Crimes Interview by Scott Harris. Earth First! Activist and Bombing Victim Darryl Cherney Describes Lawsuit Against FBI and Oakland Police Dept. Interview by Melinda Tuhus. Black Panther Party Cofounder Bobby Seale Relates Struggles of 1960s to Today’s Fight for Social Justice Speech recorded and produced by Scott Harris.

Protesters Arrested as U.S. Navy Resumes Vieques Military Exercises – Interview by Denise Manzari. Europeans Resist Bush Administration’s Environmental Policies and Missile Defense Program. Thousands Demonstrate in Europe During President’s Visit; 3 Shot in Sweden – Interview by Scott Harris. Campaign Finance Bill Faces ‘Poison Pill’ Amendments in House – Interview by Scott Harris.

Scott Harris spoke with Luke Warren, Council for a Livable World Education Fund, who takes a critical look at the Bush administrations’ proposed missile defense system. Melinda Tuhus spoke with Bruce Hamilton, conservation director with the Sierra Club, who discusses the impact these proposed changes could have on threatened and endangered species. Scott Harris spoke with Aaron Bartley, a third-year law student and one of the activists who occupied the administration building at Harvard.

Scott Harris spoke with Sharonann Lynch who examines the South African drug companies’ lawsuit. He also spoke with Mark Weisbrot who takes a critical look at the Bush plan to partially privatize Social Security. Melinda Tuhus spoke with Jason Wallach who discusses the goals of the caravan and the enthusiastic response it has generated all over Mexico.

Scott Harris spoke with Robert Greenstein, founder of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, who assesses Mr. Bush’s proposed $1.3 trillion tax cut and its likely impact on the U.S. economy. Scott Harris also spoke with Kathy Kelly, co-coordinator with Voices in the Wilderness who spent much of last summer living in Iraq on opposing the U.N. economic embargo and how the increased price of oil with higher revenues for Iraq has affected the impact of sanctions.

Scott Harris interviews Ralph Nader on his views of his presidential campaign as a success for building new Progressive Party. Harris also spoke with Jamin Raskin, professor of law at American University, who examines the origins of the electoral college and the opportunities that may now exist to reform the U.S. political system. Scott Harris spoke with William Greider, The Nation Magazine’s national affairs correspondent and author of the widely acclaimed book "Who Will Tell The People: The Betrayal of American Democracy."

Vicki Saporta spoke with Denise Manzari about why she believes anti-abortion politics — not safety issues — was the primary reason RU-486 has been kept from American women. Scott Harris spoke with Mark Weisbrot who analyzes the impact of recent protests in Prague and new tactics being employed to transform the bank. And Scott Harris spoke with Greg Guma, convener of the upcoming "Building Independent Media: Strategies for Change" conference which will be held in Burlington,Vt. Oct. 13th and 14. Guma discusses the role of the IMCs and some of the goals of the gathering which include taking concrete steps to build a sustainable movement for media democracy.

Scott Harris spoke with Jeff Milchen,, who discusses why he believes there is an urgent need to establish a truly nonpartisan and publicly accountable debate commission He also spoke with Bradley Bridge who condemns the use of police infiltrators and Cold War era propaganda to disrupt and discredit the activities of social justice activists.

Interviews with Julian Palmer, communications director with the National Center for Children in Poverty, who discusses his group’s report; with Kevin Rudiger of the Direct Action Network, who explains why a broad coalition of groups is protesting against the Democrats; and with Butch Kekahu and Alfred Wong of the Koani Foundation, sponsor of the Aloha 2000 March.

Interviews wiith Bruce Gagnon who assesses the continuing debate on the Clinton Administration proposal to build a U.S. missile defense program; Tod Ensign, director of Citizen Soldier and author of a Toward Freedom magazine article on the topic, who discusses the ongoing resistance to the anthrax vaccine in the military and how it relates to many soldier’s earlier experience with adverse health effects linked to atomic bomb testing, Agent Orange and Gulf War Syndrome; Kevin Danaher who examines the future direction of the social justice movement born in Seattle and Washington D.C.

Lori Berenson’s parents, Mark and Rhoda, spoke with Between The Lines’ Denise Manzari about how they feel the re-election of Alberto Fujimori may affect their daughter’s case. Melinda Tuhus spoke with Gina Kiala, with the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, who provides an update on the continuing legal battle to free the American Indian activist who has been imprisoned for 24 years. And Scott Harris spoke with Mark Lloyd, national coordinator of People for Better Television, who examines these FCC proposals and the impact further concentration of ownership may have on citizens already facing a loss of diversity in available media outlets.

Scott Harris spoke with Phyllis Bennis, a research fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, who examines the serious obstacles remaining in the way of negotiating a comprehensive Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement. Denise Manzari spoke with Jeremy Rich, legislative director of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau, who examines why he believes trading with Cuba would benefit Cubans, American farmers and consumers. And Scott Harris spoke with Ralph Nader about his goals for the 2000 race and how he hopes to build a viable progressive political party.

Roberto Rabin, a spokesperson with the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques, discusses the U.S. Navy’s resumption of bombing on the island. Jennifer Toomey, a musician with the Low Power Radio Coalition, explains why she is fighting to preserve a FCC decision to create a new class of low power FM radio stations. And, Michael Morrill, lead organizer with Unity 2000, recounts the difficulties encountered in gaining the legal right to march against the Republicans.

Kevin Danaher, co-founder of the group Global Exchange, examines the movement that organized the historic actions against the World Trade Organization in Seattle last winter. Soren Ambrose, policy analyst with the 50 Years Is Enough Network, considers the track record of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. And Canadian journalist Naomi Klein, discusses her new book: "No Logo, Taking Aim at the Brand Name Bullies."

Newly-elected Russian President Vladimir Putin’s questionable past. Dr. Karen Shore – 30 cities slate April 1st as Rescue Health Care Day. And, building clean cars for the future with Jim Motavolli.

Louis Dubose examines presidential candidate George W. Bush’s history of exploiting his father’s contacts to finance a succession of failed business ventures. Wayne Madsen describes the threat to civil liberties he feels emanates from the U.S. National Security Agency’s Echelon communications spy network. And Robert Meeropol who discusses his personal journey of being the child of parents executed for political crimes.

John Dougherty discusses the relationship between presidential candidate John McCain, his family business… Joyce Horman shares her reaction to the British decision to release the Augusto Pinochet from house arrest, ending the prospects for a trial in Spain. And, Alan AtKisson describes the founding of Sustainable Seattle and similar groups around the world.

William Arkin criticizes the U.S. NATO air war in Yugoslavia. Nick Arons condemns the continued United Nation’s economic embargo against Iraq. And Bruce Gagnon who assails the Pentagon’s Ballistic Missile Defense program.

Kate Michelman on George W. Bush’s and John McCain’s rhetoric. Frank Clemente on the adoption of Medicare outpatient prescription drug coverage. And, Daniel Forbes on his investigation that exposed the hidden government campaign in which Congress approved a five-year, $1 billion ad buy for the major TV networks.

Rev. Lucius Walker on Elian Gonzalez, the six-year-old Cuban boy in the middle of a politically-charged custody battle. Rear Admiral Eugene Carroll evaluating a new National Missile Defense system. And Evan Wolfson on VT’s Supreme Court ruling between gay and straight couples.

Right-wing extremists exploit oppositions to globalization

A New Global Nuclear Arms Race? Questions & Answers from featured guest Gordon Clark, executive director of Peace Action

Millennial Apocalypse for the World’s Nuclear Powers?