On July 31, over 700 people participated in the New York City Independent Commission of Inquiry Hearing to Investigate US/NATO War Crimes Against the People of Yugoslavia. The hearing was the first of a series that will be held in cities throughout the US, other NATO countries, and elsewhere to collect evidence, eyewitness testimony, expert testimony and analysis of Crimes Against Peace, War Crimes, and Crimes Against Humanity.
The featured presentation at the July 31 hearing was Ramsey Clark’s 19-count indictment of William J. Clinton, Madeleine Albright, Sandy Berger, William Cohen, Tony Blair, Gerard Schroeder, and other high officials in NATO and NATO countries. The full text of the indictment is available at www.iacenter.org/warcrime/indictmt.htm. Speeches and Papers from the July 31, Hearing can be found at www.iacenter.org/warcrime/progtrib.htm
There were more than 50 presentations and papers. Speakers included Ramsey Clark, former U.S. attorney general; Brian Becker, Co-Director, Commission of Inquiry; Gloria La Riva, editor of "NATO’s Targets"; Elombe Brath, Patrice Lumumba Coalition; Vladislav Jovanovic, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to the UN; Dr. Saeed Hasan, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Iraq to the UN; Michel Chossudovsky, economist and author; Roland Keith, OSCE monitor in Kosovo;Dr. Sapphire Mann Ahmed, International Health Care Activist; taped message from Mumia Abu-Jamal; Maude Le Blanc, Haiti Progres; Kani, Kurdish American Information Center; Freddie Marrero and Carlos Rovira, Vieques Support Committee; Preston Wood, International Action Center-Los Angeles; John Kim, attorney, Veterans for Peace (NYC); John Parker, International Action Center-Los Angeles; Monica Moorehead, Workers World newspaper and Mumia Awareness Week; Shani Rifati, Roma activist from Kosovo; Felix Wilson, Cuban Interests Section; Michael Parenti, author; Prof. Michael Mandel, York University Law School, Canadian lawyers group; Gregory Elich, Journalist and Researcher; Vondora Jordan, Workfairness; David Jacobs, attorney, Canadian lawyers group; Will Harrell, Representative of International Association of Democratic Lawyers; Ruba Fakhoury & Milos Petrovic; Ulrich Dost, attorney, German lawyers group; King Downing, attorney; Barry Lituchy, Director, Jasenovic Research Institute; Gloria Rubac, Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty; Sladjana Dankovic, Investigator, Commission of Inquiry (Washington, D.C.); Tamara Bedic, attorney; John Catalinotto, Co-editor of Depleted Uranium: Metal of Dishonor; Pat Chin; Lenore Foerstel, author; Bill Doares, International Action Center; Frank Kovac; Deirdre Sinnott; Karen Talbot, International Center for Peace and Justice; Herb Foerstel, author; Heather Cottin, Serbian-Jewish Friendship Committee; Sarah Sloan; Jane Cutter, International Action Center-Ann Arbor.
For more information, contact:
International Action Center
39 West 14th Street
Room 206
New York, NY 10011
email: iacenter@iacenter.org
web: www.iacenter.org
phone: 212 633-6646
fax: 212 633-2889