Accent on Diversity: 2003 Report (12/03)

Evolution generates books, projects, and a radio play   

Our 51st year of continuous publication has certainly been active. More than 60 features were published and distributed, and two previous articles won Project Censored recognition. Last year, TF moved to a quarterly schedule for its flagship periodical, while continuing to branch out into books and other media.

The year began with the release of Uneasy Empire, a manifesto on globalization and freedom by TF editor Greg Guma. It is currently being distributed by AK Press and Catholic Worker Books. As we go to press, our next book, Reign of Error, is at the printer. It’s a powerful collection of 110 illustrations by TF staff artist Dan Florentino, with accompanying text by 47 writers. Covering topics from media, globalization, crime, and big brother to oil, fundamentalism, the environment, and war, it’s a graphic guide for anyone who cares about the state and fate of the Earth. TF members will receive their advance copies before the end of the year; retail sales will begin in January 2004.

In May, TF co-produced a new play on civil liberties, labor and dissent, Inquisitions (and Other Un-American Activities). After live performances at City Hall in Burlington, Vermont, it was turned into a compact disk set, and is currently being aired on radio stations across the US.

The Alliance for Prison Justice, a TF-inspired project, continued to grow during the year, monitoring prison conditions in Vermont, building membership, and launching a Website and newsletter. Meanwhile, the Board of Directors took on development issues, held an important retreat, and worked on a new vision and mission. The next steps include a more aggressive marketing strategy and long-term financial planning.  

Publication plans for 2004 currently include a Northeast Independent Media Directory (visit, or call (802)657-3733 to get involved), an anthology on biotechnology and free trade, and more vital international coverage in TF.