Search Results for chile

Mapuches: The Politics of Exclusion in Chile
As four Mapuche activists imprisoned under draconian anti-terrorist laws spend 70 days on a hunger strike, the troubled relationship between the Chilean state and "the oldest of Chileans" is rockier than ever.

Forestry in Chile and the Myth of the Trickledown Theory
Two years ago, in early November 2003, after a ferocious markets-based campaign in the US, an agreement was signed by US and Chilean environmental groups with the two largest wood products companies in Chile. The agreement, facilitated by Home Depot, was received as an important step forward in promoting collaborative resolution to international environmental conflicts. The agreements language binds the companies to a conservation focused solutions process with the environmental groups, and an end to the practice of the substitution of the native forest with exotic tree species plantations.

Chile: History’s Fault Lines (3/99)
Augusto Pinochet, ex-dictator of Chile, was detained by British authorities during the first week of October 1998 and Chile will never quite be the same. Nor will international human rights law, for that matter, which has been rocked by this precedent-setting case.
In Chile, we were all taken by total surprise when a British judge, acting on a warrant issued by Spanish courts investigating the deaths of Spanish nationals in Chile during Pinochet’s rule, ordered the former dictator held under guard as he recovered from back surgery.

A US bank reportedly helped former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet hide millions of dollars over an eight-year period, even after he was arrested in London in 1998 and a court froze his assets.

Mining Struggle in Colombia Raises Questions About Petro-Márquez Government That Rode to Victory with Indigenous & Peasant Support
A Canadian mining company has appeared to move forward on exploring mining possibilities in Colombia's biodiverse Putumayo department, raising questions about the progressive government of Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez, who won power by promising environmental protection. Natalia Torres Garzon reports. Photos by Antonio Cascio.