Search Results for chile

Deconstructing U.S. Militarism: Humanism and the Peace Revolution
The time has come for humanists to actively assert that they are as committed peace and ending U.S. militarism as they are to the separation of church and state. Humanists, atheists, and assorted freethinkers should join anti-war/peace organizations in assertively calling for a dramatic change in U.S. foreign policy away from neoliberal imperialism and militarism.

Latin America Breaks Free

Brazil’s Experience with Lula Offers Lessons for Obama Supporters
We arrived early, but the field was already packed with an ecstatic crowd waiting to hear the one man who they believed could actually turn the country around. Chants echoed from the nearby road. Hope was in the air.

‘The End of America,’ Liberty: Use It or Lose It
A look at the compelling new documentary based on Naomi Wolf’s book of the same name.
The "End of America," a compelling new documentary by award-winning filmmakers Annie Sundberg and Ricki Stern in collaboration with best-selling author Naomi Wolf received some love today in the New York Times:
The pointedly inflammatory film, adapted from Naomi Wolf’s book "The End of America: A Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot," compares the Bush administration’s attempts to discourage dissent and to wield increasingly unchecked power to the events preceding the establishment of 20th-century dictatorships in Germany, Italy, Chile and elsewhere. Without explicitly invoking the word, it implies that since 2001 the United States has drifted toward fascism in the name of fighting terror.

Latin America: The War on Democracy – Documentary Online
The War on Democracy is John Pilger’s first major film for the cinema – in a career that has produced more than 55 television documentaries. Set in Latin America and the US, it explores the historic and current relationship of Washington with countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia and Chile.
"The film tells a universal story," says Pilger, "analysing and revealing, through vivid testimony, the story of great power behind its venerable myths. It allows us to understand the true nature of the so-called war on terror."