
Al-Bashir and the ICC:The Shock of Responsibility

Omar Hassan al-Bashir
After a thorough examination of the evidence presented by the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Luis Moreno-Ocampo, a panel of three judges has issued an arrest warrant against President Omar Hassan al-Bashir of Sudan. There are seven charges against al-Bashir including crimes against humanity, murder, extermination, forcible transfer, torture, rape, attacks against civilian population and pillaging.


Spilling Ink Instead of Blood: Bolivia Poised to Vote on New Constitution

Dozens of marches and rallies in support of Bolivia's new constitution, to be voted on this Sunday, have filled the streets of La Paz in recent days. On Tuesday, at a rally for the constitution and to celebrate Venezuela's donation of 300 tons of asphalt to the city of La Paz, President Evo Morales took the stage, covered in confetti and with a coca leaf wreath around his neck. The crowd cheered and waved signs, one of them saying, "Thanks for the asphalt and the progress."


Southern Natural Disasters: Climate Change or Man-Made Calamities?

Mudslide in Florianopolis, Brazil
Nowadays, the only thing as unpredictable as the market is the weather. At least, that's what South America's Southern Cone has been feeling lately. In just one week in late November, torrential downpours in Brazil's Southern state, Santa Catarina caused "the worst climatic disaster" of Lula's (Luis Inacio de Silvia) presidency, with more than 150 dead, 100,000 homeless, and 1.5 million affected.


Gaza Attacks: Murder with Impunity

It was about midnight last Sunday when my phone rang. "I'm not sure I will survive tonight, the Israelis are bombing us everywhere." It was Mahmoud, a young resident of Rafah, a city in the Gaza Strip on the border with Egypt. We first met when I visited the troubled coastal territory after Israel dismantled its settlements there in September 2005.