America’s red scare is back. And it’s racially tinged
Condemnation of Democratic congresswomen is xenophobic, dangerous and flat-out false.
Condemnation of Democratic congresswomen is xenophobic, dangerous and flat-out false.
Washington’s aggression is part of a decades-long quest to control the spigot in the Persian Gulf.
By hand, land, prison and sea, enclosure preceded the industrial revolution, leading Karl Marx to describe it as the original form of accumulation, “written in letters of blood and fire” that gave birth to capitalism.
Source: Reveal
The federal government is quietly expanding its use of shelters to house infants, toddlers and other young asylum-seekers. One Phoenix facility housed 12 children ages 5 and under, Reveal has learned, some as young as 3 months old, all without their mothers.
As part of this expansion, the government has designated three facilities to house newborns and unaccompanied teen mothers. Records obtained by Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting indicate a dozen children arrived at Child Crisis Arizona starting in mid-June, after it garnered a $2.4 million contract to house unaccompanied children through January 2022.
The institutions responsible for harming people operate across borders far more than most people realize, yet many groups are joining forces to gain strength.
The Taliban, U.S. Government, and every other warring party in Afghanistan must be asked: “How many more civilians, including children, are you willing to kill and maim?”
Copyright Toward Freedom 2019