News briefs from around the world. Compiled and edited by Greg Guma.

Global Notebook 9/00
UN Report Challenges WTO Agenda
GENEVA — Calling the World Trade Organization (WTO) a "nightmare" for developing countries, a UN study team suggested in August that the trade group be brought under UN purview. In a report to the UN Sub-commission on Protection of Human Rights, the team also charged that the WTO’s rules are based "on grossly unfair and even prejudiced" assumptions.
Although the report echoes criticisms by anti-globalization groups, it rejects the idea of linking trade rules to human rights, labor, and environmental standards. Civil society groups in developing countries also oppose such linkages, arguing they would provide Western countries with an excuse to erect more trade barriers. If approved, the study, which examined the effects of globalization on human rights, will be presented to the UN Human Rights Commission during its annual session in Geneva next March.