
Rebel Witches and the Creation of Capitalism

Silvia Federici's brilliant Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body, and Primitive Accumulation, tells the dark saga of the Witch Hunt that consumed Europe for more than 200 years. In uncovering this forgotten history, Federici exposes the origins of capitalism in the heightened oppression of workers and in the brutal subjugation of women. She also brings to light the enormous and colorful European peasant movements that fought against injustice.


Egypt Has Yet to Feel Impact of Female Genital Mutilation Ban

In the year since Egypt outlawed female genital mutilation the government hasn't prosecuted a single case. "It's no longer on the government's agenda, they've moved on," Seham Abdul Salam, a medical doctor turned anthropologist, said in a recent interview. Nonetheless, some activists say the law is a tool, among others, for gradually dismantling an ancient tradition.


Sex Trafficking: The Abolitionist Fallacy

Economic hardship, discrimination, and violence have driven millions of women to work in the sex sector around the world, and their numbers will increase as a result of the current global economic crisis. Unless the underlying factors pushing women to opt for selling sex to support themselves and their families are remedied, many women will continue to have few other options.