Late hip-hop artist Pavlos Fissas

Anti-Fascist Struggle and Race in the Face of Golden Dawn: A Greek Anarchist Responds

Today, the world learned of the stabbing death of Greek antifascist hiphop artist Pavlos Fissas, who performed under the name MC Killah P, at the hands of thugs affiliated with the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn. His death is just the most recent since the party’s rise in recent years, but may have tipped a country teetering on the brink of civil war into incredibly volatile territory; antifascists have already clashed with police across the country, and Golden Dawn offices have been attacked.

Anti-austerity protests in Spain

Debt, Austerity, Devastation: It’s Europe’s Turn

Like plague in the 14th century, the scourge of debt has gradually migrated from South to North. Our 21st-century Yersinia pestis isn’t spread by flea-infested rats but by deadly, ideology-infested neoliberal fundamentalists. Once they had names like Thatcher or Reagan; now they sound more like Merkel or Barroso; but the message, the mentality and the medicine are basically the same.