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Reflections on the US Social Forum: 2007 and After

At the US Social Forum 2007, in the city that hosts CNN and Coke, in hotel venues where debutantes ironically were on parade, the progressive community stood tall and steadfast, proud and capable. The forum's over 900 sessions were truly diverse in those presenting and those attending. Indeed, I cannot remember - going all the way back to an also highly diverse Black Panther Party Constitutional Convention held in Philadelphia in September 1970 - any other large leftist event in the U.S. as consistently multi-cultural as USSF 2007.


Remembering the Future of Radical Activism

There are two important radical political activists that have shaped my way of thinking in a far-reaching and profound manner. Although their political points of departure differ in fundamental ways, their political views are characterised by a non-compromising attitude towards social change. I find this trait both inspiring and admirable. I am talking about Malcolm X and Michael Albert. In this essay, however, I discuss only the latter.