Photo: Langelle/ GJEP

Indonesia: Protests at United Nations Climate Convention

Photo: Langelle/ GJEP
On December 11th, a very diverse group of non-governmental organizations, indigenous peoples organizations and social movements staged a protest outside of a press conference where World Bank President and former US Trade Representative Robert Zoellick announced the launch of the World Bank's Forest Carbon Partnership Facility. "This Facility is merely the World Bank up to their old tricks," stated Anne Petermann, Co-Director of Global Justice Ecology Project.

Photo From Green Mountain Daily

No More Recruits: Vermont Protesters Shut Down Recruitment Center

Around mid afternoon on November 30th, two groups of demonstrators converged in front of the Williston, Vermont, Military Recruitment Office in Maple Tree Place. Members of Mount Mansfield Union High Schools’ Peace Club and Iraqi Veterans Against the War led the rally march against military recruitment in High Schools. In all, 75-80 protesters took to the street with ambitions to shutting down the recruitment center for the day…  Keep reading this report at read more


Ending the War Now: A Look at Recent Anti-War Protests

If you were to rely on the mainstream media, including so-called liberal news programs such as NPR, you probably wouldn't know that there's a real anti-war revolution taking place in the United States. This year, five poignant and increasingly radicalized national protests have taken place, dating back to January 27, 2007 when nearly half a million people took over Washington DC.

Photo from

21st Century Colonialism: New Zealand Government Not Fit to Sit on UN Human Rights Council

On September 14th of this year, the New Zealand government and three other governments (Canada, USA and Australia) shared the dubious distinction as the only states to vote against the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The announcement came at the end of a shocking week where Maori sovereignty campaigners, environmentalists, and other activists had been arrested in a major series of Police raids throughout the country, under the post-9/11 Suppression of Terrorism Act.