ACTIVISM / HUMAN RIGHTS These are articles previously published by Toward Freedom related to this category.

ACTIVISM / HUMAN RIGHTS These are articles previously published by Toward Freedom related to this category.
They threw shoes - so many shoes that hotel staff had to roll out a laundry bin onto the street to pick them all up, and even then, the bin could barely contain them all. They chanted: "Bush: Assassin! Terroriste! Criminel!" and then, at the appropriate command, hurled more shoes toward the heavily guarded entrance of the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, where George W. Bush was scheduled to speak.
"I joined the military to kill Iraqi people," Kristofer Goldsmith said softly in a Congressional hearing room in May of last year. The slim young veteran, his mohawk pulled back from his head in a half-braid, kept his eyes focused forward as news photographers scurried under the table at which he sat, saying: "I remember on September 12, 2001, looking up at the TV screen as a sixteen-year-old boy, saying we should use biological weapons and eliminate the threat in the Middle East."
The following video reports on the protests and activist events surrounding the G20 meetings in Pittsburgh include numerous interviews with activists, organizers, union members and locals, as well as footage of the marches, activist gatherings and heavy police presence.
Copyright Toward Freedom 2019