Make Corporations Pay for the Green New Deal
A Green New Deal will require trillions of dollars of investment. But the government doesn’t actually need to put up all the cash — we can make corporations pay.
A Green New Deal will require trillions of dollars of investment. But the government doesn’t actually need to put up all the cash — we can make corporations pay.
Savage cuts in social services have put county councils in crisis.
U.S. interests promise oil will bring riches to the people of Guyana. But export commodities have rarely benefited the country’s majority.
Across Europe, far-right parties and movements have been gathering steam over the past years — anti-fascists have been organizing in response.
The Venezuelan opposition and its backers in Washington may have underestimated the Chavista grassroots.
"Our message to Europe’s authoritarian establishment: we will resist you through a radical programme that is technically more sophisticated than yours. Our message to the fascistic xenophobes: we will fight you everywhere. Our message to our comrades of the European left: you can expect unlimited solidarity from us, and one day our paths will converge in the service of a radical, transnational humanism." - Yanis Varoufakis
Copyright Toward Freedom 2019