‘Blood,’ the Anthem of Sudan’s Revolution, Takes on New Meaning Amid Violent Repression
A new generation of musicians and artists has been inspired by—and is inspiring—the uprising.
A new generation of musicians and artists has been inspired by—and is inspiring—the uprising.
The phenomenon of climate change invokes images of black smoke billowing out of smokestacks, emissions from exhaust pipes on an endless highway of bumper-to-bumper traffic, or the insect-like cranes of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and drilling operations dotting the landscape. We do not view our plastic shopping bags as part of the climate crisis—but we should. And just as the thirst for fossil fuel energy is an ugly symptom of runaway capitalism, so is plastic production and use. Both arise from the same problematic system, and both contribute to the same existential crisis humanity faces.
Ethiopia’s prime minister is making headlines as a Trudeau-like liberal reformer. But behind his progressive sheen, his economic policies are set to accelerate inequality and poverty.
Led by John Bolton, the Trump administration is pursuing catastrophe to protect U.S. dominance.
Can we get this story right? Can we tell it whole? Can we connect the dots and inspire people with the possibility of change?
Asking detainees to decide between the threat of violence and the misery of isolation is no choice at all.
Copyright Toward Freedom 2019