
Anti-War Groups Unite Against Israel’s Assault on Gaza

Leading organizations and activists in the anti-war movement have issued unified condemnation of the Israeli assault on Gaza that has left more than 750 killed, including numerous children, and thousands seriously injured. While U.S. politicians have nearly unanimously endorsed Israel's assault, abstaining from a successful UN resolution demanding a ceasefire, anti-war groups have taken swift action to pressure politicians to endorse a ceasefire.


Nuclear Showdown: The Need to Stop the Current Arms Buildup

Plans for a Missile Defense System in Europe, located in Poland and the Czech Republic have become too dangerous to continue by the U.S. and its European allies because of possible Russian retaliation, including the threat of nuclear attack. Russia now is threatening the U.S. and making plans for missile deployment in their territories while the U.S. is sitting back and refusing to change course on its plans to "defend" Europe against Iran. Military aggression is on the march. 

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‘The End of America,’ Liberty: Use It or Lose It

A look at the compelling new documentary based on Naomi Wolf’s book of the same name.

The "End of America," a compelling new documentary by award-winning filmmakers Annie Sundberg and Ricki Stern in collaboration with best-selling author Naomi Wolf received some love today in the New York Times:

The pointedly inflammatory film, adapted from Naomi Wolf’s book "The End of America: A Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot," compares the Bush administration’s attempts to discourage dissent and to wield increasingly unchecked power to the events preceding the establishment of 20th-century dictatorships in Germany, Italy, Chile and elsewhere. Without explicitly invoking the word, it implies that since 2001 the United States has drifted toward fascism in the name of fighting terror. read more