Defying global finance
The pandemic makes resistance to the IMF and the World Bank essential, and there is a long lineage of protest to draw from.
The pandemic makes resistance to the IMF and the World Bank essential, and there is a long lineage of protest to draw from.
Canada’s colonial reality is now in the spotlight, as Idle No More protests voice the struggles of indigenous people against sustained political and economic oppression.
Thousands are joining historic actions to call for fundamental changes in Canada’s relations to aboriginal people.
Central to Idle No More are longstanding indigenous demands for justice around land rights, economic resources and self-determination that rest at the heart of both Canada’s history and future.
Winter hunger strike
Source: Al Jazeera
What began as a protest over tuition hikes has now become a standoff over a much deeper political discord in Quebec.
A mass student strike in Quebec over rising university tuition fees is quickly turning into a major social movement and a real challenge to the provincial Liberal government.
Despite growing international attention and constant protest, including demonstrations among the largest in Canada’s history, Liberal politicians continue to hold firm on a decision to hike post-secondary tuition fees by C$1,778 over seven years, a 82 per cent increase per student.
Source: The Dominion
An image from the video for Samian’s "Kisakiin."
MONTREAL-Algonquin hip-hop artist Samian raps about the realities of life on First Nations reserves in Quebec. With a growing following on reserves and in Quebec’s cities, he’s also struck a chord with hip-hop communities everywhere.
Exploding the classic political binary of Quebec’s two solitudes, Samian raps about Indigenous people and their history in the province. His chart-topping hit "La Paix Des Braves," a duet with Quebec hip-hop crew Loco Locass, appeals for solidarity between Quebecois and Indigenous people. Samian’s recent collaboration with Sans Pression on their single "Premieres Nations" helped cement his role as a key voice in the Montreal contemporary hip-hop scene.
Copyright Toward Freedom 2019