The Gentrification of the Seas
Boating used to be for the middle class, not just yacht owners. Now the rich are fortifying their hold on the sea with military hardware.
Boating used to be for the middle class, not just yacht owners. Now the rich are fortifying their hold on the sea with military hardware.
The more unequal a wealthy society, the greater the power of the rich — and the corporations they run — to ignore their debt to Mother Earth. That’s all the more reason to address the inequality that bestows so much power upon them.
Source: The Guardian Unlimited
Most of our mainstream political discourse on “fighting inequality” has revolved – for years now – around the more narrow goal of eliminating extreme poverty. Few of our elected leaders ever dare suggest that maybe we ought to think about eliminating extreme wealth as well. Even the mere idea seems a laughing matter.
Congressman Keith Ellison, a Minnesota Democrat, knows all this from personal experience. Earlier this year, in a talk to the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Ellison suggested that the time has come to start contemplating the notion of a “maximum wage”.
Copyright Toward Freedom 2019