Millions of Refugees Flee South Sudan as Conflict Rages On
With the disappearance of any form of government administration in South Sudan, the country finds itself in a disastrous situation.
With the disappearance of any form of government administration in South Sudan, the country finds itself in a disastrous situation.
The June 18th elections for Parliament has provided France with a Kennedy moment, a young president now backed by a strong majority in the National Assembly. As the "party of hope" gets underway, we will have to see if reforms and initiatives can take shape.
The first foreign visit of the new French President Emmanuel Macron, after a now habitual trip to Berlin, was to Gao in northern Mali as head of the French military. The visit was an attempt to be seen as paying attention to the efforts of French troops in operations in northern Mali and other states of the Sahel region of Africa.
Emmanuel Macron won a clear victory 66% to 34% over Marine Le Pen in the closing round of the French elections for President on Sunday, May 7. The emphasis of Macron is on renewal - a new society on new foundations rather than a reform of existing institutions and policies.
The French Presidential election run-off will be between Emmanuel Macron, a 39 year-old Left-center economist who was for two years the Minister of the Economy in the current government, and Marine Le Pen, a Right-nationalist. The positions of the two are in clear opposition, especially as concerns European integration.
The ever-greater use by the United States of drone air strikes in Yemen, Somalia, Syria-Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere has focused global attention on the use of killer robots and the possibility of autonomous artificial intelligence weapons.
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