Articles by Rene Wadlow

World Food Day: No Day Off For Women
October 16th is the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization's World Food Day - a yearly reminder that there are people who are constantly hungry due to poor agricultural methods, inadequate distribution, poor food storage, and armed conflict.

Burma: Love and Kindness Must Win Over Everything
The determination of Burma's Buddhist monks to bring about change non-violently in their country has awakened a civilian population long held in fear by the governing military. The monks are marching behind large banners saying "Love and Kindness must win over everything." Demonstrations have been growing in city after city as the monks have taken the leadership of protests which began in early September against the sudden rise in fuel, food, and transportation costs.

Is the Antarctic Treaty a Model to Prevent an Arctic Oil Race?
Could the Arctic Council serve as a focus for drafting a wider treaty among states to deal with sovereignty claims, shipping lanes, the development of oil and mineral resources?

Arctic Oil and the Law of the Seize
There is a touch of the 19th century scramble to divide Africa among European colonial powers in Russia's decision to drop a capsule containing a Russian flag on the Arctic sea floor not far from the North Pole on August 2nd. In preparation for the 1885 Berlin Conference which was to draw the boundaries of the African colonies, there was a mad rush to place national flags on all the commercial outposts so that France, England, Germany, Spain, Belgium and Portugal could claim prior possession of the area.