Francois Hollande: The Steep Path Ahead in France
With the change of President in France, there are likely to be few radical changes in French government policy, neither in foreign policy or domestic programs.
With the change of President in France, there are likely to be few radical changes in French government policy, neither in foreign policy or domestic programs.
A look at the ideas and social base of the French presidential candidates.
Since the fall of northern Mali to the forces of the Tuareg at the end of March 2012, the situation has grown in complexity.
Timbuktu was once a metaphor for the middle of nowhere. Now it is in the middle of a struggle that has important implications for the whole Sahel zone that runs from Senegal to Sudan.
Rene Wadlow is the Representative to the United Nations, Geneva of the Association of World Citizens.
Below are the collected articles Wadlow has written for Toward Freedom.
Abdullah Ocalan’s Prison Writings: The Roots of Civilization
Burundi: In Moments of Crisis the Wise Build Bridges
Paris Attacks: Symbols and Choices
Nobel Peace Prize Highlights Conflict Resolution Role of NGOs in Tunisia
A Look at Blaise Compaoré: Background to the Crisis in Burkina Faso
Overcoming the Worldwide Challenge of Mass Migration and Refugee Exodus
The League of Arab States Observer Mission to Syria is in an administratively critical time with the Observer Mission members from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council States of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates leaving.
Copyright Toward Freedom 2019