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Global inequality may be much worse than we think

Source: The Guardian Unlimited

How do we measure inequality? From some angles, things appear to be improving, but from others the situation is getting worse and worse

It’s familiar news by now. Oxfam’s figures have gone viral: the richest 1% now have more wealth than the rest of the world’s population combined. Global inequality is worse than at any time since the 19th century.

For most people, this is all they know about global inequality. But Oxfam’s wealth figures don’t quite tell the whole story. What about income inequality? And – more importantly – what about inequalities between countries? If we expand our view beyond the usual metrics, we can learn a lot more about how unequal our world has become. read more


Africa, Geology and the March of the Development Technocrats

'Environmental determinism' - the theory that Africa's development has been hindered as a result of 'the environmental conditions that Africans inhabit' - does not accurately explain Africa's poverty. Environmental determinism is both ahistorical and apolitical: "Poverty is not a problem of nature, it is a problem of power." To tackle the real issues behind Africa's slow development and poverty would mean to go against Western economic interests and to radically change the world system in which we exist.