Growing Beyond Growth
When democracy is not determined by economic power, it is possible to imagine alternatives to “growth” and “austerity.”
When democracy is not determined by economic power, it is possible to imagine alternatives to “growth” and “austerity.”
Source: Truthout
The brief re-occupation of Zuccotti Park and its swift re-eviction are both previews of the season to come. With numbers augmented by warm weather, St. Patrick’s Day’s festive atmosphere and the Left Forum conference (the hundreds of panels of which took place at nearby Pace University), the protesters who took to Zuccotti Park to celebrate six months of Occupy Wall Street sent out a mass text on Saturday evening, reading “OccupyNYC: Liberty Square is being RE-OCCUPIED! 500+ people and growing! Come on down! Bring blankets & food!”
Copyright Toward Freedom 2019