Articles by Benjamin Dangl
The U.S. ‘War on Drugs’ Is an Assault on South America’s Poorest
Argentina’s Bonfire of Memory
Paraguay: A Laboratory for Latin America’s New Militarism
Two soldiers in Paraguay stand in front of a camera. One of them holds an automatic weapon. John Lennon's "Imagine" plays in the background. This Orwellian juxtaposition of war and peace is from a new video posted online by US soldiers stationed in Paraguay. The video footage and other military activity in this heart of the continent represent a new style of militarism in Latin America.
Nationwide Protests Rock Peru, Bush Seeks Allies in Latin America
National protests rock
Pirates in Paradise: Reviews of Seven Books for Summer Reading
Statistics show that across the globe over one billion people stare into computer screens at internet websites each day. This means that it's now more rebellious than ever to read a book. Here are seven reasons to leave the computer screen and read about pirate governments, a rainbow gathering in Croatia, coup d'etats in hot climates, media coverage of cults in Waco and counter-revolution in Nicaragua.