Recommended media outlets
The Media Consortium: The Media Consortium is a international network of over 70 leading independent progressive journalism organizations
Green Valley Media a nonprofit film and video production and distribution company founded in 1974 to promote awareness of social issues and to bring unheard voices into the mainstream.
Upside Down World an online magazine which covers social movements, economics and politics in Central and South America.
Maverick Media Inside and outside media politics and the alternative press
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom works to create an environment of political, economic, social and psychological freedom for all members of the human community, so that true peace can be enjoyed by all.
Action Coalition for Media Education teaching media education, knowledge, skills and activism
Between the Lines Radio Show provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media.
Social Justice Ecology Project advancing ecological awareness and global justice
Israeli Occupation: An archive documenting Israel’s military occupation of Palestinian lands
World War 4 Report monitoring the global War on Terrorism and its implications for human rights, democracy and ecology since the immediate aftermath of 9-11
Currents Of Awareness News the portal to independent news media.
Independent Media Marketplace online market where citizens can find independently produced media products
La Vaca an excellent resource in Spanish on social movements in Latin America
Common Dreams breaking news and views for the progressive community
Indymedia a network of collectively run media outlets for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of the truth.
In These Times dedicated to informing and analyzing popular movements for social, environmental and economic justice; to providing a forum for discussing the politics that shape our lives
IPS News an independent voice from the South and for development, delving into globalization for the stories underneath.
Dissident Voice an internet newsletter dedicated to challenging the distortions and lies of the corporate press and the privilied classes it serves.
The New Internationalist reports on the issues of world poverty and inequality; to focus attention on the unjust relationship between the powerful and powerless worldwide
North American Congress on Latin America focuses on the rising resistance to neoliberal economic policy in Latin America and the diversity of social movements at the center of this struggle
ZNet a huge website updated daily to convey information and provide community