Watch the ‘Arming Ukraine’ Film CBS Pulled After Gov’t Pressure
The corporate network’s cave-in followed a wave of outrage from the Ukraine lobby and pressure from the Pentagon, reports Antiwar.com.
The corporate network’s cave-in followed a wave of outrage from the Ukraine lobby and pressure from the Pentagon, reports Antiwar.com.
A regional conference of the National Unity Platform, a political party in Uganda, brought together members of the country’s diaspora from the New York City and Washington metro areas to strategize on how to tackle U.S. meddling that props up leaders. TF editor Julie Varughese reports.
The U.S. government holds many political prisoners, including journalists; national security state whistleblowers; Black, Indigenous, and other nationally oppressed revolutionaries; foreign diplomats; activists; and more, writes Stansfield Smith.
Officials from Russia, France and the United States are vying for influence over the 1.3 billion people living within the African Union’s 55 member-states. Abayomi Azikiwe analyzes the situation.
On August 11, the Israel Civil Administration (ICA) is expected to discuss construction of the Nahal Rabah cemetery in the occupied West Bank. Experts and activists claim the cemetery, which was approved without an environmental survey, will disrupt the region’s biodiversity in addition to harming Palestinian land. Jessica Buxbaum reports.
Western governments and corporations met in Switzerland to plan neoliberal economic policies to impose on post-war Ukraine, calling to cut labor laws, “open markets,” drop tariffs, deregulate industries, and “sell state-owned enterprises to private investors.” Jake Kallio and Benjamin Norton report for Multipolarista.
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