The Earth is in a death spiral. It will take radical action to save us
Climate breakdown could be rapid and unpredictable. We can no longer tinker around the edges and hope minor changes will avert collapse.
Climate breakdown could be rapid and unpredictable. We can no longer tinker around the edges and hope minor changes will avert collapse.
Around the world, people are realizing the current path will lead only to disaster, and they’re beginning to ask the hard questions about what to do next.
This election provides more evidence that a majority of the U.S. population supports positions that progressives advocate.
"The growth of the hard right is real. The threat of fascism is real. Climate collapse is real. These all require a qualitative transformation in our political expectations and demands." - Keeanga-Yahmatta Taylor
A veteran and parent can’t stop thinking about the war he fought.
While US President Donald Trump and other like-minded political and economic leaders are building walls, migrant activists say they are building bridges. Some 2,000 activists and academics from over 60 countries gathered in Mexico City over the weekend for the 8th World Social Forum on Migrations. The gathering aimed to create a new vision of migration and bring the various movements and organizations together.
Copyright Toward Freedom 2019