First Nations Celebrate Win Against Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion
Here’s how indigenous leaders pulled together a grassroots movement to resist the pipeline expansion.
Here’s how indigenous leaders pulled together a grassroots movement to resist the pipeline expansion.
Source: Truthdig
Immigrants are the “enemy” in Donald Trump’s America. The president has made the arrest, detention and deportation of immigrants the centerpiece of his domestic policies, seeing it as an effective tool to whip up racial resentment among his base and preserve his power. Even though Trump has dramatically ratcheted up the immigration enforcement machine and racist anti-immigrant rhetoric, other U.S. presidents have engaged in the mistreatment and expulsion of immigrants for decades. Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, oversaw a record 2 million deportations during his presidency.
Palestinian women are hardly bystanders in the collective victimization. They deserve to be made visible and understood within the larger context of the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
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