Six Moments in History That Remind Me Anything Is Possible
In these dark days, it can be helpful to keep a list of unexpected and pleasant surprises.
In these dark days, it can be helpful to keep a list of unexpected and pleasant surprises.
Feminist work tends to represent war as a continuum of violence from the bedroom to the battlefield, traversing our bodies and our sense of self. - Cynthia Cockburn
There has been a surge in international migration in recent years, reaching a total of 244 million individuals in 2015. Forced displacement has also reached a record high, with 65.3 million individuals displaced worldwide by the end of 2015 – including refugees, internally displaced persons and asylum seekers.
China’s economic edge, while still greater than that of the North, has been declining significantly. And this decline may well amplify soon.
On a recent Friday at the Afghan Peace Volunteers' Borderfree Center, here in Kabul, thirty mothers sat cross-legged along the walls of a large meeting room. Masoumah, who co-coordinates the Center's "Street Kids School" project, had invited the mothers to a parents meeting.
Capitalism has been the world’s dominant economic system for more than 700 years. And as it brings the planet to new crises, author Raj Patel believes it’s important to imagine what might replace it.
Copyright Toward Freedom 2019