Chris Hedges on Moral Courage
Chris Hedges begins this speech to the Veterans for Peace convention by saying, “Physical courage is something you see on a battlefield. Moral courage you almost never see.”
Chris Hedges begins this speech to the Veterans for Peace convention by saying, “Physical courage is something you see on a battlefield. Moral courage you almost never see.”
Source: Truthout
Just as the media lied to help us get into a war, they are now lying us out of one.
In the introduction to season five of HBO’s critically acclaimed series, “The Wire,” Det. Bunk Moreland and fellow murder investigators laughed as they duped a hapless, young street gangster into confessing to a murder by pretending a copy machine was a polygraph test. “The bigger the lie, the more they believe,” he said.
The statement reflects the political dialogue in this country perfectly over the last month, ever since Barack Obama touted the troop drawdown in Iraq in an August 2 speech in Atlanta and leading up to tonight’s Oval Address celebrating the “end of combat operations in Iraq.” The president, the DC establishment and the media have been perpetuating a lie on a massive scale: the war in Iraq is now over, they claim.
As the war in Afghanistan becomes as unpopular as the Iraq invasion, British soldier turned anti-war activist Joe Glenton says that the British military is a “tool of American foreign policy.”
Join award-winning author Jeff Conant for a book presentation and discussion at the Center for Media and Democracy TV in Burlington, Vermont on Thursday, September 9th, 6:30 – 8 pm.
Source: Green Left Weekly
Peru’s Amazonian indigenous people have announced the creation of their own political party and will contest the presidential elections in April 2011.
The indigenous people clashed with Peruvian President Alan Garcia’s government in 2009 to defend their ancestral lands in the largest indigenous uprising in recent history.
The Interethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Jungle (AIDESEP), Peru’s largest and most representative indigenous organisation, announced the formation of the Alliance for an Alternative for Humanity party (Alianza para la Alternativa de la Humanidad — APHU).
With the motto "Providing a preferential option for the poor in health care," Partners in Health offers an unusual model of health care provision. Its mission is both medical and moral.
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