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Video – Arizona: State of Fear

Source: The Real News

Fear in the state’s Latino community is not a side-effect, it’s the stated goal of those in power.

‘Attrition by enforcement’ is the name of the game in Arizona. The goal is to dissuade undocumented immigration by making life unbearable for the undocumented already living in Arizona. Desert tent jails and arbitrary checkpoints are two of the tactics used to strike fear into the undocumented with the goal of deterring others from coming. Ecuadorian filmmaker Oscar León, who has been covering this issue from Arizona for the past three years, points out that the undocumented can’t possibly be separated from the documented Latino population without a police state, and Arizona has been developing it’s own version long before the controversial SB1070 law was on the map. read more

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We Have Yet to See The Biggest Costs of the BP Spill

Source: The Nation

We’re almost at the happily-ever-after stage of the Gulf oil spill story. The well has been killed, the beaches are being scrubbed and wicked Tony Hayward has been banished to Russia. All that’s left now is for BP to make good on the damage it has caused. The company has set aside $32 billion to meet its liabilities, while doing everything in its power to keep the damages below that figure. But even if it has to pay the full price, it will have won one of the biggest bargains in corporate history. BP’s true debt is far higher than any of the figures that have been floated to date. The biggest costs to the Gulf have yet to be seen. read more