
Obama Should Stand Up to the Indonesian Military

Former General Suharto
The Obama administration and incoming 111th Congress should change course on Indonesia. It should put human rights at the forefront of U.S. policy. This would contribute more to encouraging democratic reform and human rights accountability in the world's largest Muslim-majority country than any amount of military training or weapons. Indonesians who view the military as a chief roadblock to greater reform will be grateful.

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Obama and Iran: Change Instead of Regime Change

One of the key foreign policy challenges of the Barack Obama presidency will be to elaborate a new approach towards Iran. A spirited, informed debate is already on in Washington – where a special presentation to the Senate has outlined crucial American and Iranian points of view; and also in academic and diplomatic circles, as a Joint Experts’ Statement on Iran recommends the President-elect adopts a bold new strategy, focused on dialogue and mutual respect.

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Obama’s Troubling Stance on Missile Defense and Militarizing Space

Patriot Missile
Missile defense is quickly becoming the most significant global arms race of the 21st century. This race may soon reach into space, what the US military has called the "ultimate high ground." President-elect Barack Obamam, during his campaign, pledged to cut "unproven missile defense" and never put weapons into space. Yet "Space Hawks" at the Pentagon are urging Obama to rethink his comments and keep the emerging US antimissile shield on track.


Wildfires and the Economic Woes of Global Warming

California Fire
The combination of increasing temperatures and dry conditions predicted for some areas suggest that there will be more wildfires and they will be of longer duration. This will require increasing expense both to control the fires and to repair the damage they do. There's convincing evidence that this trend, increases in both frequency and duration of wildfires, is well underway.

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Banning Cluster Bombs: The Outlaws

Anti-Cluster Bomb March, Ireland
In a remarkable combination of civil society pressure and leadership from a small number of progressive states, a strong ban on the use, manufacture, and stocking of cluster bombs was signed in Oslo, Norway on December 3, 2008. However, all bright sunlight casts a dark shadow, and in this case the shadow is the fact that the major makers and users of cluster munitions were deliberately not there: Brazil, China, India, Israel, Pakistan, Russia and the USA.