Month: November 2007

Shock Doctrine: Power, Passion, and Neoliberalism

Citizen Journalism in Nepal
Citizen journalism is a growing movement in Nepal. Although half of the nation lives below the poverty live, without access to clean drinking water, health care and education, there has been a significant rise in level of political consciousness among the people. This is largely due to the ten year long Maoist insurgency and emerging ethnic tensions which are both fostering the growth of citizen powered media.

Occupational Insurrection: An Interview With Nate Jones

Ending the War Now: A Look at Recent Anti-War Protests
If you were to rely on the mainstream media, including so-called liberal news programs such as NPR, you probably wouldn't know that there's a real anti-war revolution taking place in the United States. This year, five poignant and increasingly radicalized national protests have taken place, dating back to January 27, 2007 when nearly half a million people took over Washington DC.