
Who Controls Media Today and How the People Can Take it Back

Most progressives already know that the nation's media is in the hands of the few, the rich, the white, and the male. We know that local control of the airwaves and newspapers is as rare as a "fair and balanced" Fox news report, and as tenuous as Cheney's stuttering heart. We know that to create any lasting and systemic social change - out with the old, in with the bold - we must take back the media that we've lost.


Israeli Violence: Reflections on the Summer War in Lebanon

Israelis call it the second Lebanon war. Those thirty four days of fierce fighting left the mighty Israeli army demoralised and searching for answers. The government appointed Winograd Commission, chaired by retired judge Eliyahu Winograd, has yet to produce its final analysis into the war. However, the preliminary report is a damning assessment of a country unleashing extreme military violence in the region.