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Spazzes With Glasses: Book Nerd Tour Summer 2005

Coming to an East Coast near you July 18-25

Contact: Anne Elizabeth Moore
ph: 773/484-8524
[email protected]

June 23, 2005-When Anne Elizabeth Moore and Liz Mason first conceived  
Spring, they were unprepared for the response of swarming fans
clamoring for autographs-or at least the chance to touch their

The July 18-25 East-Coast tour SPAZZES WITH GLASSES will include 
selections from Moore’s ever-amusing Hey Kidz, Buy This Book! A
Radical Primer on Corporate and Governmental Propaganda and Artistic 
Activism for Short People, which In These Times claimed "should be 
required back-to-school reading," and Mason’s hilarious critical  
overview of contemporary historical songwriting, the Bad Lyrics
Project. read more

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(((RADIO TF)))

Toward Freedom talked with Leslie Cagan (organizer with the anti-war coalition, United For Peace and Justice) and Gordon Clark (Coordinator of Iraq Pledge of Resistance) in front of the White House on September 26, 2005 during the civil disobedience action they helped organize in which nearly 400 people were arrested for protesting without a permit. The protesters were requesting a meeting with the President in order to demand the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.  In this interview Cagan and Clark discuss the meaning behind the civil disobedience, how it was coordinated and where the peace movement might be headed.

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 Michael Klare, author of Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict and Blood and Oil: The Dangers and Consequences of America's Growing Dependency on Imported Petrol gave a talk on September 7, 2005 in Burlington, Vermont on "The Implications of Scare Global Water Resources for Security and Conflicts: 

Download the talk as an MP3 file

Listen to the talk in a new window through a Quick Time Player


Listen below to Between the Lines, a weekly radio show produced by Toward Freedom Board Members Scott Harris and Anna Manzo.  Stay tuned for more commercial free coverage of stories usually ignored by mainstream media.  Get RealPlayer here


Headlines for the week ending 9/30/05: Evasive Responses in Senate Hearing Alarm Opponents of Supreme Court Chief Justice Nominee John Roberts; Global Warming Linked to the Increased Power of Hurricanes Battering the U.S.; Bring Them Now Bus Tour Builds Momentum Toward Sept. 24 Iraq War Protest in Washington, D.C.; Underreported News Summary from Around the World


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Headlines for the week ending 9/23/05: Crisis of Confidence in Direction of U.S. an Opportunity for Progressive Change; People of New Orleans Fight for Voice in City's Reconstruction; Five Unanswered Questions About 9/11 Critical to Prevent Future Attacks; Underreported News Summary from Around the World


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Headlines for the week ending 9/16/05:Dismantling of FEMA Partly to Blame for Failed Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina; Class and Race Issues Played Major Role in Who Survived Hurricane; Consumer Group Claims Oil Companies' Disaster Profiteering Necessitates Price Controls; Underreported News Summary from Around the World

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Headlines for the week ending 9/9/05: Opposition to Proposed Iraq Constitution May Deepen Violence and Instability; Bush Administration Efforts to Oust Venezuelan President Was Context for Pat Robertson's Call to Assassinate Hugo Chavez; United Farmworkers Union Organizes at Guimarra Vineyards After Heatstroke Deaths; Underreported News Summary from Around the World


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Headlines for the week ending 9/2/05Israeli Withdrawal from Gaza Accompanied by Destabilizing Expansion of Settlements in the West Bank; Documents Reveal Supreme Court Nominee John Roberts Disparaged Anti-Discrimination Efforts; Opponents of Prison Industrial Complex Rally for Policy Change in Nation's Capital; Underreported News Summary from Around the World


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Headlines for the week ending 8/26/05: Federal Court Overturns "Cuban 5" Espionage Conviction, Calls for New Trial; Christian Right Campaigns for Radical Reform of U.S. Judicial System; Cindy Sheehan's Vigil at President's Texas Ranch Sparks Powerful Antiwar Activism Among Soldiers' Families; Underreported News Summary from Around the World


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Headlines for the week ending 8/19/05White House is Shaping Public Opinion for a Future Confrontation with Iran; Declassified Documents and Testimony; Implicate High Officials in Torture of U.S.-Held Detainees; Cindy Sheehan, Mother of Slain Soldier Demands Meeting with President Bush on Iraq War; Underreported News Summary from Around the World


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Headlines for the week ending 8/12/05: Hardball White House Tactics Win Passage of Central America Free Trade Agreement; Congress Approves Energy Bill with Billions of Dollars in Subsidies and Deregulation for Energy Industry; Split in AFL-CIO Could Spur New Organizing But Dissidents Fail to Address Fundamental Flaws; Underreported News Summary from Around the World


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Headlines for the week ending 8/5/05: Draft of New Iraqi Constitution Would Roll Back Women's Rights; Despite Lack of Long Judicial Record; Supreme Court Nominee John Roberts Has Sided with Executive Branch and Corporate Power; FBI Surveillance of Progressive Activist Groups Will Chill Free Speech, Critics Charge; Underreported News Summary
from Around the World


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Headlines for the week ending 7/29/05: The Downing Street Memos and Valerie Plame-CIA Scandal Reveal a White House Bent on Misleading Public on Rationale for Iraq War; Rep. Barbara Lee Introduces Bill That Would Prohibit Permanent U.S. Military Bases in Iraq; U.N. Troops Accused of July 6th Massacre in Haiti's Cite Soleil; Underreported News Summary from Around the World


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Headlines for the week ending 7/15/05: Bush Call to 'Stay the Course in Iraq', Echoes Pronouncements Made During Vietnam War; Military Base Closings Force Communities to Plan for Sustainable Economic Development; Civil War Looms in AFL-CIO as Dissidents Demand Reform and Threaten to Break Up Federation; Underreported News Summary from Around the World 


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Headlines for the week ending 7/8/05: Iraqi Union Activists Call for End of U.S. Occupation; Peace Groups Organize Giant September Anti-War Protests in Washington, D.C.; Big Business Will Be Among Few Winners if Congress Ratifies Central America Free Trade Agreement and More 


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Click HERE for Between The lines Archives



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Global Notebook 6-30-05


Guard unit formed to track domestic groups. 

SACRAMENTOCalifornia‘s National Guard has quietly set up a special intelligence unit with “broad authority” to monitor, analyze and distribute information on potential terrorist threats, according to the San Jose Mercury News. Although Guard officials claim the unit won’t focus on U.S. citizens, it already has been involved in tracking at least one recent anti-war rally organized by families of slain soldiers, according to e-mails obtained by the newspaper.  read more

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Arming Private Security in Kenya

Members of parliament in Kenya are proposing that private security guards be armed. Mirugi Kariuki an MP in the office of the president said, "The government is working on the Private Security Provision Bill, which will look into the possibility of arming private security firms."  David Mwenje the MP for Embakasi stated, "The country is under siege as thugs continue to take charge". While Budalang' MP Raphael Wanjala, believes that "police must be allowed to shoot-to-kill criminals." He also called for the arming of security firms.

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Nuclear Proliferation: A Neo-Con Goal?

John Bolton offered a harsh and uncompromising view on North Korea even as the Bush administration claimed in public to support a diplomatic solution to the question of the country's nukes. Mr. Bolton's actions as undersecretary for arms control often interfered with and undermined others who were engaged in trying to finding just such a diplomatic solution.

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Meeting the Afflicted

 Gray clouds sweep over the mountains around Blantyre, Malawi, bringing raindrops that tap at the windows of the men’s ward in Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Inside, a young man sheepishly removes his shirt as a doctor and two medical students arrive at his bed. A brief exam reveals thrush, shingles, and wasting, and the med students diagnose a classic case of HIV. The doctor, Claire Scarborough, nods in agreement. Later, she estimates that 80 percent of the patients are HIV-positive. Many of them look young. read more