Beyond Wyclef: What Haitians Want From Elections
We asked dozens of Haitians from different social sectors how they felt about the November 28 elections, and what they want or expect from a new government. Here are some of their responses.
We asked dozens of Haitians from different social sectors how they felt about the November 28 elections, and what they want or expect from a new government. Here are some of their responses.
From dynamite-wielding miners in Bolivia to the struggles of landless farmers in Brazil and Paraguay, the new book Dancing with Dynamite discusses the relationship between movements and states in seven different Latin American countries.
In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, hundreds of homeless men and women from dozens countries participated in this year’s Homeless World Cup. But the event wasn’t just about soccer, it was about changing lives.
Haiti is famous around the world primarily for its problems, one being advanced ecological destruction. However, Haitian citizens are working to turn this around and create a healthy environment.
Haitian farmer Jonas Deronzil analyzes the problems Haitian small producers face, notably U.S. food imports, and proposes alternatives.
Late in the afternoon on September 4th, 1970, Salvador Allende celebrated his election as president of Chile. He told one supporter in the crowd, “Hug me harder, compañera! This is not a time for timidity!”
Copyright Toward Freedom 2019