Dear Toward Freedom Supporter,
Progressive and international. That is the news coverage that Toward Freedom provides. We challenge the idea of patriotic exceptionalism.
We highlight the global scope of human rights and environmental crises. We cover the ways that people are working together for social justice, building bridges over our borders rather than walls.

In the coming year we have exciting plans to develop regional writers’ networks in order to strengthen our coverage from Latin America and Africa. We intend to deepen our reports and expand our groups of writers and readers through these networks. Please donate to support this work today.
As a part of these efforts, we recently expanded the group of writers filing stories for TF from around the globe.
- Pilar Villanueva reports from Chile’s feminist student movement and examines the ties between the women’s struggle in Rojava and that of the indigenous Mapuche movement in South America.
- Phumlani Majavu discuss xenophobic violence in South Africa, Mohammed Elnaiem reports on the neo-colonial politics of mining in Gambia and Zambia, and Beth Geglia dissects the root causes of the refugee caravan from Honduras.
This is the journalism for social justice needed today: Reports that strengthen solidarity between movements, shed a light on corporate imperialism, and deconstruct the racist politics that have led to a booming refugee exodus across the world.
- John Lasker filed in an in-depth investigation into Republican voter suppression efforts in America, and Ilhem Rachidi wrote an extensive report on the crackdown on dissidents in Morocco.
- Alexis Lathem reported on the decades-long indigenous communities’ struggles against megadams in Canada.
While mainstream media focuses on Trump’s latest tweets, important global issues remain unreported and are absent from many US residents’ radar. What sets TF apart from other outlets is our focus on the global south. Our readership is international, based in 160 nations worldwide.
- “Toward Freedom is indispensable reading for me; it is the home for thoughtful and well-informed analyses of world events. The journalists for this site try to channel energies rarely listened to.” – Vijay Prashad, journalist and director of the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research
Your support has enabled this growth. If our year-end campaign can raise a total of $5,000, it will enable us to expand our writers’ networks in Latin America and Africa in the next six months. Donations of $50 – $200 will make a big impact. With your support, we can move forward with these plans.
Thank you for making a donation today.
Ben Dangl
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Or mail a check made out to Toward Freedom to:
Toward Freedom
300 Maple Street
Burlington, Vermont